Medical Advocacy

Care Coordination

We improve the lines of communication between primary care physicians, specialists, in-home care providers, and others who are responsible for our client’s health. By ensuring our client’s care team is on the same page, we can improve the efficiency of the delivery of their care and minimize duplicate tests, screenings, or procedures. Our Registered Nurse Advocates can follow-up on lab results, coordinate follow-up appointments or referrals to specialists, and ensure other care providers are aware of any changes in medications or treatment plans.

Attending Doctor Appointments

Our Registered Nurse Advocates are available to attend appointments with primary care physicians and other medical professionals. Our clients can benefit by having an experienced registered nurse at their side during a doctor’s appointment to help them ask questions, understand treatment options, make sense of the doctor’s instructions, and even answer pertinent questions the doctor may have regarding their medical history or medications.

Following the doctor’s visit, your Registered Nurse Advocate can help arrange follow-up visits, coordinate referrals to specialists, and answer any questions one has following their appointment.

Regular Updates & Communication

We pride ourselves on our responsiveness and proactive communication with our clients, or their families. Families who find themselves living at a distance from their aging loved ones can gain peace of mind from the updates IKOR of Columbus provides about their loved one’s care and any changes in their condition.


IKOR of Columbus is trusted by the courts to advocate and manage the affairs of the most vulnerable in society. Guardianship is an undesirable situation for any individual to find themselves in.

To learn how you can avoid court-ordered guardianship, please visit our essential life documents resource page.

Agent Work

If you have found yourself acting as the power of attorney or guardian of a loved one and are overwhelmed by the responsibility you now bear, you can turn to IKOR of Columbus for help. As your agent, you remain in control while we handle the administrative tasks and help you make the decisions that are best for your loved one.

Durable Power of Attorney

IKOR of Columbus is experienced serving as the durable power of attorney for healthcare, finances, or both. Whether you are aging alone and want peace of mind, or you want to avoid family politics, our durable power of attorney service ensures you are protected should you become incapacitated and unable to make your wishes known.

Medication Analysis

Adverse drug reactions are one of the leading reasons a senior will visit an emergency department. While many believe their doctor or pharmacist is monitoring their medications for potentially negative consequences, this isn’t always the case, especially if over the counter medications or supplements are part of the daily pill regimen.

IKOR of Columbus can perform a medication analysis to identify which prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, and supplements may interact to create an adverse reaction or lead to undesirable feelings, such as fatigue, nausea, or dizziness. When many specialists are involved, it is not uncommon to find duplicate or offsetting medications being prescribed to the patient.

Our Registered Nurse Advocates will work with the prescribing physician to optimize the medications a client is taking. This reduces the likelihood of an adverse reaction and can help lower the overall costs of medications.

Medical Bill Review

Because medical billing errors have become commonplace, experts recommend not paying a medical bill unless the information on the bill is understood. IKOR of Columbus has the necessary expertise to understand your insurance company’s explanation of benefits, or Medicare coverage, ensuring your bill is error-free and you are not being overcharged.
Should we find errors, we can work with the biller on your behalf to correct the error.

Benefits Review

Surveys routinely find that consumers don’t understand their insurance benefits and are likely leaving money on the table, or paying for medical services their insurance should cover. IKOR of Columbus’s Personal Needs Coordinators are skilled at reviewing insurance policy coverage and explanation of benefits to ensure a beneficiary is receiving the benefits they are due.

Our Personal Needs Coordinators also understand government benefits. They can help guide you through the application process and the appeals process or recommend expert assistance should you have a complex case.

Coordinating In-Home Services

In-home care services are becoming increasingly common and play an important role in helping individuals remain safe and independent in the comfort of their home.

IKOR of Columbus coordinates across the spectrum of home care services and can help you find the best provider based on your situation. From non-medical in-home care to hospice care, you can trust us to find and manage the best provider in the Columbus area for your needs.

Once you have selected a provider, our Registered Nurse Advocate will perform announced and unannounced visits to ensure the highest quality care is being provided, and care plans are being followed.

Treatment Compliance

The fastest road to recovery is following the doctor’s prescribed treatment plan. Poor adherence to a treatment plan can slow recovery or lead to other medical complications both of which cost the patient money and keeps them from enjoying activities and time with friends and family.

IKOR of Columbus’s Registered Nurse Advocates can improve an individual’s overall healthcare by helping them follow the treatment plan. Should the anticipated outcomes of the treatment plan occur slower than expected, the Registered Nurse Advocate will coordinate with the doctor to adjust the treatment plan helping to ensure a timely recovery.

Crisis Intervention

When an individual experiences a sudden and unforeseen medical emergency, it can be difficult for family members or close friends to set aside their emotions and work with medical professionals to determine the best course of action.

As part of our patient advocacy, IKOR of Columbus’s Registered Nurse Advocates are ready to step in during a medical crisis to ensure the treatment wishes of the patient are being honored. Additionally, they help family members understand the treatment options being proposed as well as the benefits and risks associated with each treatment option.